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September 19, 2024

5 Things You Should Do Your Next 4-Day Weekend: Fort Drum Edition

Sometimes you get a four-day pass in the military. This is what to do with it if you're stationed at Fort Drum.

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September 19, 2024

6 Simple Ways to Manage Your Finances While Deployed

You've been deployed, to a combat zone, or on some other mission. Here are some steps to take to manage your finances while gone.

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September 19, 2024

5 Key Hacks for Making ETS as Easy as Possible

Prepping for ETS isn't hard, but it can really sneak up on you if you aren't paying attention.

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September 19, 2024

Your Journey through the Military & Beyond

People don't usually think about the average military career, and how that will set them up for lifelong success. Here's a template that might help.

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